djembe Djembata African drumming

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I am the newest recruit to Djembata and I predominantly play the duns. And I simply LOVE to dun! When I was first introduced I was like a wild child filled with sheer overwhelming joy to have discovered it (not much has changed since then!).
Music is my passion - I teach singing to teenagers in school and at a complementary education centre, lead three singing groups and sing with a spontaneous music for ecstatic dance and meditation group called AscenDance. Being part of Djembata is an enriching and fabulous part of my life and it is an honour to play with such talented friends. I have so much fun in Djembata - you cant really miss me on stage - I will be the one with the Cheshire cat smile, beaming from head to toe!
Look forward to dancing/drumming/dunning with you some time!

Orla McConvilleOrla McConville


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